and other programs can be easily removed, too!
Instant & Efficient Clearings of Curses, Spells. Removal of Negative Entities
Break the Curse and Unleash Your Potential!
Tired of feeling stuck and helpless?
It’s time to try my Revolutionary INTUITIVE Method!
Some people believe that no one can remove spells, magic words, or incantations and that people must suffer because they are too weak to fight them. But in reality, removal is usually very fast – you just need to know how to do it. My job is to teach you that.
How is it done? We just connect by Zoom, either with video or without and I guide through the process. It’s easy, it’s fun and light. You will also receive the tools you need to continue with your own development. Live cleaning is the best and the fastest way to get the results you want. Imagine 30, 40 or even 60 years of blocks erased in one session!

You can see me how I remove the black magic issues for one of my clients. I burn the candle to either destroy nearby negative entities or keep them in distance from the place. The wooden statue is the God of Protection from Maui. A native Samoan chieftain specifically crafted it for me and my wife.
Furthermore, on your right you can see precious stones, including communication pyramid (a spiritual specialist carved it from lapis lazuli stone) and various powerful crystals. I always thoroughly clean the “workspace” before and after the session with the Violet flame chimes (far right). The chimes are “tuned” to note E (the vibration of master St. Germain).
I use these items regularly as they help to actually clean various issues, offer a powerful protection against any negative entity and keep the place blessed and sacred.
- I am able to see negative entities
- I am fully trained in intuitive readings
- Get to the core of the problem now!
Want to get the fastest results?
My Unique method
Find out, what exactly my unique method is for removing magic, beliefs and programs
For magic removal, I am using a high-quality pendulum made from glass as it’s not influenced by any negative energies.
I use my intuition and charts to identify the blocks instantly and clean them in the same time
The cleaning is done by pendulum and charts + my know-how and experience. It’s fast!
At the end, I apply this great healing energy that transmutes everything of low vibes – and I teach you how!
- I am offering services like magic removal, with my unique method – a combination of pendulum, charts and fast intuitive reading
- More than a 15 years of experience in removal of magic, programs and stupid beliefs
- My magic removal approach is totally different as by using my method I go directly to the core of your problem without wasting your time & money.
- Literally thousands of happy real clients worldwide. Many of them I personally visited and attuned into energies in Reiki Seminars and in other courses.
- I will help you to start working on yourself with my expert techniques and experiences.
I Can also teach you
You can make it! It’s easy! Wouldn’t be great to get 100% connection to your intuition and unlock your potential?
I can teach you how you can fully use pendulum, charts and energies for healing and cleaning yourself, your family and friends. You can also use this method to help others by setting up your own practice. It’s totally up to you.
If you claim you are so great, why are the people returning to you?
Because they love what I do and they want to feel in the same vibration. This is not the knowledge for VIP, it’s for everyone. Prices I offer are reasonable and the exercises and work are both very explanatory. You can do it, too!
If you will not help me instantly, I will literally kill myself now
I would call it blackmailing and sorry, it does not work on me. Please understand that also I choose my clients. If the person asks many questions and 80% of those questions constantly repeat, well, it is hard to keep the urge to help from my side. Please read my e-mails.
I contacted many experts and no one helped me. Why do you think you can help me?
Because I use totally different method than others. My method successfully worked for many of my clients and often there are instant results. Plus, I do not charge a lot – see the pricing page and let me know when it was last time you have seen prices like that.
I want my girlfriend/boyfriend back. Please Remove the black magic from me and her/him.
Well, it does not work like that. I can remove the spiritual issues you are having relatively easily, yet if you will not change, she would probably not be back. Please do not blame the black magic for any failure in your life – it was your doing and your settings of the situation.
My mother suffers from attacks, but she doesn't want to be helped
I apologize, but I cannot (and no one can) help and heal the person who did not ask for it. This is the law of Universe – everyone has free will choice that cannot be manipulated. It is your mother’s decision to be in situation like that.
Can you clean my karma?
No. It’s totally up to you, it’s your karmic debt. You can clean your karma on your by either sincere prayer, karma prayer or by practicing forgiveness (especially towards your past lives).
I already lost thousands of dollars in the past with others and have no results. I greatly appreciate if you can call me first. I need to get into detail with you.
I offer Zoom calls with live cleanings, if you would like to work with me in person. By the way, my prices start around $24 per session (when you purchase 5 cleanings). This option is e-mails only.